COACh Water First! Workshop in Accra, Ghana September 2019
Thanks to the Elsevier Foundation we have been able to continue our 4th Africa Water First! workshops where we bring together women scientists and engineers from all over Africa that are working on water issues – both research and policy. The workshop involved two days of learning about water issues around food safety, contaminants and toxins in lakes, rivers and drinking water, water access and water policies and management issues.

It was an amazing group of approximately 30 participants from 12 different African countries. We all enjoyed getting to know each other and to learn about everyone's research interests and career aspirations. The younger women scientists were inspired by the senior women and their persistence it battling through their challenges and the more senior women were amazed at how many of the younger women said that they have supportive husbands which contributes to their ability to do their science. A wonderful two days of developing collaborations, networking and mentoring.

African Materials Research Society Meeting Accra, Ghana December 2015
COACh was invited to give a series of workshops to a wide variety of participants at this biannual meeting that brings together materials science researchers from around the world. The COACh team of Geri Richmond and Laura Greene facilitated the workshops. Great turnout!
Workshops presented included:
- Selling Your Science: The Art of Effective Proposal Writing
- Career Launch and Acceleration
- Publishing Your Research in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- The Art of Effective Negotiation