Empowering Success
COACh career-building workshops have been life-changing for thousands of women in STEM
Without question, participating in COACh has empowered and encouraged me to advance my career. It provided me with tools and insight that I did not have.
Creating a Diverse, Inclusive and Equitable Workplace
COACh assists departments and institutions in building an inclusive culture that enhances creativity and project success.
Building Powerful Networks
Be part of the COACh network of thousands of scientists and engineers around the globe
I've met so many amazing women through COACh that have become lifelong friends and my support
COACh Around the World

COACh programs and presentations have been given at companies, universities, professional societies and research laboratories around the world.

Help us to grow our programs and impact!
Your donation can truly make a difference to women scientists and engineers around the world.
Upcoming COACh Events
COACh Workshops at African Materials Science Society Annual Conference
December 14-15, 2024
Kigali, Rwanda
Recent COACh Events
COACh Workshop at University of Oregon NRT Chemistry
May 10, 2024
Eugene, OR
“The Art of Negotiation for Graduate Students” NRT Chemistry Graduate Students
Presented by Sherry Yennello, Texas A&M University
Presentation of work at the Cyclotron Institute: Research is centered around utilizing the newly available ability to produce beams of nuclei removed from the valley of stability to investigate nuclear reaction mechanisms. The experiments study the collisional dynamics of heavy-ion reactions and the thermodynamics of the resultant hot nuclear system.
Presented by Sherry Yennello
EWOC (Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry) - "The Art of Negotiation"
June 21, 2024
“The Art of Negotiation” Virtual presentation
Presented by Sherry Yennello, Texas A&M University
Water First! Workshop for African Women in Water Research & Policy
June 22-23, 2024
Singapore International Water Week, Singapore
Bringing together women from Africa to network and learn from each other.
In partnership with Elsevier Foundation
Midwest Retreat for Diversity in Chemistry Annual Retreat
June 29, 2024
Bradley University, Peoria, IL
“The Art of Negotiation for Graduate Students”
Presented by Sherry Yennello
American Association for Physics Teachers "Diversifying Voices that Communicate Science"
July 18, 2024
Museum of Science & Industry, Chicago
Bringing together women physics teachers to network and learn new skills in negotiation, social media presence, and communicating their science.
"The Art of Negotiation for Faculty" Missouri S&T University
September 23, 2024
October 25, 2023
COACh Workshop at SACNAS
SACNAS National Conference, Portland, OR
"Career Launch and Acceleration for Graduate Students"
Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 8:30am - 12:00pm
"The Art of Negotiation" for Faculty/Industry/Government
Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 1:30pm - 5:00pm
September 10, 2023
COACh Workshop at NOBCChE
NOBCChE National Conference, New Orleans, LA
"Career Launch and Acceleration for Graduate Students"
Sunday, September 10, 2023, 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Presented by Sherry Yennello & Malika Jefferies-El
October 5, 2022
COACh Workshop at AISES
"The Art of Negotiation"
Presented by Sherry Yennello & Jani Ingram, Pushpa Murthy & Mary Jo Ondrechen
June 08, 2022
COACh Workshop at Centre a l'energie Atomique (CEA), University of Paris Saclay, France
Faculty: "Publishing"
Presenter: Dr. Nora Berrah
July 19, 2022
COACh Workshop at Centre a l'energie Atomique (CEA), University of Paris Saclay, France
Graduate Students: "Career Launch and Acceleration"
Presenter: Dr. Nora Berrah
February 7, 2022, 1:30 PDT via Zoom
COACh Workshop at UC Irvine for Faculty and Graduate students
Faculty: "Inclusive Leadership and Networking in Science and Technology"
Graduate Students: "Career Launch and Acceleration"
October 14, 2021 pm via Zoom
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Workshop for Graduate Students and Postdocs
"Career Launch and Acceleration"
Presenter: Pushpa Murthy
AIChE Annual Meeting, Week of Nov. 14, 2021
COACh Workshop for Chemical Engineering Professionals and Students
Undergraduate Students: "Career Launch and Acceleration"
Professionals and Graduate Students: "Career Advancement through Effective Communication and Negotiation"
Presenter: Pushpa Murthy
December 2, 2021 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm (Eastern Time) via Zoom
NSF Funded Virtual COACh Workshop for New Community/Technical College Faculty
Career Exploration and Advancement through Persuasive Communication and Negotiation Techniques
Presenter: Pushpa Murthy
September 23, 2021 1-3 pm via Zoom
NSF Funded Virtual COACh Workshop for New Community/Technical College Faculty
"New Faculty Accelerator: Surviving and Thriving as a Community/Technical College Educators"
Presenters: Community College Leadership Team of Roger Ebbage, Mary Slowinski, Thomas Tubin and Ken Walz
August 10 and August 17, 2021
COACh Workshop sponsored by Elsevier Foundation (8:00 PT)
"Water First! Workshop for African Women in Water Research"
Presenter: Geri Richmond, University of Oregon
July 20 and July 27, 2021
Virtual COACh Workshop sponsored by Elsevier Foundation (8:00 PT)
"Water First! Workshop for African Women in Water Research"
Presenter: Geri Richmond, University of Oregon
June 25, 2021 July 20 and July 27, 2021
Virtual COACh Workshop for Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry (EWOC) 2021 Conference (4:30 - 5:30 EST )
Topic: "Building a Personal Brand and Powerful Networks"
Presenter: Geri Richmond, University of Oregon "Water First! Workshop for African Women in Water Research"
June 17, 2021
Virtual COACh Workshop at Brookhaven National Laboratory sponsored by the Brookhaven Women in Science (BWIS) (2:30 - 4:00 EST)
Topic: "The Art of Effective Negotiation"
Presenter: Geri Richmond, University of Oregon with Vivian Stojanoff, Brookhaven National Laboratory
June 10, 2021
Virtual COACh Workshop at Brookhaven National Laboratory sponsored by the Brookhaven Women in Science (BWIS) (2:30 -4:00 EST)
Topic: "Career Advancement through Effective Communication and Networking"
Presenter: Geri Richmond, University of Oregon with Vivian Stojanoff, Brookhaven National Laboratory
May 26, 2021
Keynote address at the Chemical Sciences Roundtable - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Meeting hosted by the National Academy of Sciences (virtual),
Topic: "COACh and Equity: Views and Career Plans of Chemistry Women and Underrepresented Minority Graduate Students in STEM"
Presenter: Geri Richmond, University of Oregon
April 22, 2021
Virtual workshop for Brookhaven National Laboratory Women in Science
Topic: "Effective Negotiation Skills in the Workplace"
Presenter: Geri Richmond, University of Oregon
April 20, 2021
Virtual workshop for women graduate students at Worchester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
Topic: "Negotiation Skills for Graduate School and Beyond"
Presenter: Geri Richmond, University of Oregon
March 25 and 31, 2021
Virtual workshop for the NSF Center for Chemical Innovation, Duke University and UC Berkeley Chemistry Departments
Topic: "Effective Negotiation Skills in the Workplace"
Presenter: Geri Richmond, University of Oregon
March 15, 2021
Invited lecture for the March American Physical Society Meeting, Virtual at 12:27-1:03 CST
Topic: "Challenges for Women Scientists in the Developing World"
Presenter: Geri Richmond, University of Oregon
March 5, 2021
Virtual COACh Workshop at Brookhaven National Laboratory sponsored by the Brookhaven Women in Science (BWIS)
Topic: "Mentoring for Success in Science and Engineering"
Presenter: Geri Richmond, University of Oregon with Vivian Stojanoff, Brookhaven National Laboratory
February 18, 2021
Spring Social for the Women In Chemistry Initiative (WICI), UC Berkeley
Topic: "Reflections on a Career in Science from a Woman's Perspective"
Presenter: Geri Richmond, University of Oregon, hosted by Kaydren Orcutt, UC Berkeley
January 29, 2021
Virtual COACh Presentation for the NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center for Dynamics and. Control of Materials
Topic: "Potholes and Speedbumps on the Road to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Science and Engineering"
Presenter: Geri Richmond, University of Oregon
January 22, 2021
Virtual COACh Workshop for the Biosciences Area
Topic: "Mentoring for Success in the Physical Sciences"
Presenter: Geri Richmond, University of Oregon with Arica Chhay and Toy Spadafora, LBNL
January 13, 2021
Virtual COACh Workshop for the Biosciences Area
Topic: "Mentoring for Success in the Biosciences"
Presenter: Geri Richmond, University of Oregon with Alex Degg and Nikki Humphreys, LBNL