Join the COACh effort to ensure that ALL have an equal opportunity to lead and contribute to global solutions.

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Every time I attend a COACh workshop I leave invigorated. Thank you for providing women from around the world this opportunity.
COACh gave me courage and confidence.
I feel like Wonder Woman, fending off bullets with my wristbands. COACh taught me some new ways to use those wristbands. This frees up my time to science, which was my goal in the first place. COACh played a significant role in my willingness to take on leadership roles.
Though my stress level remains high I was profoundly impacted by the training COACh provided. I can point to specific ones that I use regularly that are now just part of who I am.
AMAZING EXPERIENCE and I still use things I learned in my daily life.
Invaluable in helping me with strategy and tactics for salary increase. COACh workshops made me feel less isolated, and my concerns felt validated.
COACh was one of the best experiences I have ever had in my career.
I felt empowered by my COACh experiences. My views on many important career aspects were broadened by both the content and the participants.
Without question, participating in COACh has empowered and encouraged me to advance my career. It provided me with tools and insight that I did not have.
It is a great program and I hope that it will continue in the future because the skills that are being taught are very valuable for women's careers.
The women running the workshop were very knowledgeable and specific in their advice.
COACh has transformed the world for many women scientists. Seriously. Nearly all of the senior women in chemistry that I know have been to at least one workshop. We have learned to use one another to strategize for improved conditions for women.
I think that you were awesome and that it was great to get the confirmation and support.
I gained many valuable skills from COACh that have helped me in leadership endeavors.
I negotiated what I wanted with respect to student support and salary.
COACh helped me be confident that I could be direct in communicating in stressful situations.
The training about communication helped me to recognize my strengths as a person who can listen well and therefore communicate effectively across a broad array of disciplines and constituents.
My peers who have done COACh workshops and I always talk about COACh when it comes to where to sit, how to find allies, etc. I always ask my grad students/postdocs if they have looked to see if there are COACh workshops at the upcoming ACS meetings.
I enjoyed everything about the COACh training and have reflected on the experience frequently throughout my career.
I am grateful for the opportunities I had at the workshops. It helped me see that some of the problems I experienced were common to other female faculty members. The representation of women in chemistry departments is better than it was 10 years ago. However, many of the same barriers to advancement remain in place. An organization such as COACh still has plenty of work to accomplish.
COACh is a great organization. keep up with the wonderful work!
I am very positive about COACh, especially regarding the two workshops I attended on negotiations and communication. I believe that they have made a difference during my promotion to full professor and in my ability to argue for resources.
COACh always helps me to improve confidence and helps one to understand the difficulties of fighting for advancement in the workplace.
COACh was very helpful for my professional development. I was able to apply the knowledge gained in the workshops to advance in my career and secure better benefits.
COACh gave me the skills and confidence necessary as I began administrative work.
COACh helped me to feel connected to other women in science. I have always traveled a "lone" road and have had trouble finding supportive voices for my career path. COACh helped me and I appreciate being able to fill out this survey. Even doing this reminds me that I am connected to the effort to promote women's equality. Role models are few and far between.